The famous Martand Sun Temple in Kashmir and how it has faced the ravages of time. With some old sketches and photos compared with some pics of the modern times we take a journey in time.
The Khukris of Kotkhai Palace
The Story of how the Gurkhas once met on the battlefield and how they came close to fighting the British together but alas its a tale of missed chances. And how the Gurkhas Kingdom once stretched all the way from the present day Nepal to Kangra valley.
Travelling to Tibet
Your Guide to Travelling in Tibet as it used to be. Besides the present Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) it also included parts of Sichaun, Qinghai and Yunnan. Travelling to TAR involves a lot of Permits and a lot of restrictions. However in the Tibetan areas of Sichuan, Qinghai and Yunnan you can move around in the Tibetan areas with out any restrictions.
Ladakh / Baltistan / Gilgit Story
We try an together the story of Ladakh, Gilgit and Baltistan and how they became a part of the erst-while Riyasat of Jammu and Kashmir.
The Worst Trade Route in the World
The Story of the Trade Route or the Silk Route which connected Kashmir with Yarkand in Central Asia via Ladakh. The Route passed through some of the most inhospitable Mountain terrain and over the highest Passes in the World. No wonder some one called it “The Worst Trade Route in the World”
Dummy's Guide to Kashmir
A Guide to people visiting Kashmir. Compiled by a person who was born and brought up in this most beautiful of all Himalayan Valleys. Straight from the horses mouth as some would say.
Ghosts and Pahadi Dogs
A Himalayan Tale of some strange encounters around an Apple Orchard in the Shimla Hills in Himachal Pradesh more than 25 years back. And then we were in for surprise. There were Dogs, Ghosts and much more.
The Great Temple Complex at Naranag
The Main temple Complex which still Houses the Idol.
The Great Temple complex ruins at Naranag in Kashmir. Probably one of the finest set of Temples built in Kashmir. Mostly lost and forgotten.
Himachal Day : A Brief History of the Modern Times
A brief history of the Himalayan state of Himachal Pradesh. A look into how different Hill states were combined to create one of the most beautiful and now amongst the most progressive states of the country.
The Treasures of the Shri Pratap Singh Museum
The SPS Museum Srinagar was established in 1898 AD in the Maharaja’s Summer guest house largely based on collections transferred from State Toshkhana. Approximately 79,595 artifacts and objects covering various subjects like Archaeology, Numismatics, Decorative Art, Arms and Armory, Paintings, Textiles etc are housed in the Museum. A must visit for anyone in Kashmir.
Kashmir : Between The Mughals and the Dogras
The history of Kashmir from the time of the rule of the Mughals till the time of the rule of the Dogras. And the Afghans and the Sikhs in between. A straight narrative of the complex history of the Kashmir Valley.
Parihaspora – The Ancient Capital of Kashmir
Just around 20kms from Srinagar lies the plateau of Parihaspora which was chosen as the site for a new Capital by one of the greatest Kings of Kashmir, Lalitaditya in the 8th century AD. The site situated on a Plateau is today in ruins but still a glorious memory of the time Kashmir was a powerful Kingdom.