The State of Jammu and Kashmir as it was at its largest extent under the rule of the Dogras. This Map helps people understand the complicated Geography and Diversity of the erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir.
The Junction of the Three Mightiest Mountain Ranges
The Point where the Himalayas, the Karakorams and the Hindu Kush meet. At the confluemce of the Gilgit and the Indus Rivers.
Jaglot near Gilgit is the point where the Three Mightiest Mountain Ranges of the world the Himalayas, the Karakorams and the Hindu Kush meet at the confluence of the Gilgit River with the Indus River
The Gilgit Manuscripts
A leaf from the Gilgit Manuscript
The Gilgit Manuscripts discovered in the early 1900s in Gilgit are one of the oldest Buddhist Manuscripts discovered in India. Believed to be one of the most revered Buddhist scriptures, it represents the discourse delivered by Buddha towards the end of his life.
Markhor / Ibex Hunting
The Markhor and the Ibex are both magnificent animals found in the Himalayas, the Karakorams and the Hindu Kush. These animals were on the brink of extinction but now with creation of safe havens and conservation efforts they are making a comeback. Controversially the money raised by auctioning animals for legal hunting has contributed to the conservation effort.
Ladakh / Baltistan / Gilgit Story
We try an together the story of Ladakh, Gilgit and Baltistan and how they became a part of the erst-while Riyasat of Jammu and Kashmir.